Saturday 27 February 2016

Changing scenes, only a button press away!

While using the free version of Unity is still incredibly versatile, it does have its limitations. Namely  a lack of implementation for cut scenes. While not a necessity in a story driven game, they have become expected, and can provide information and character development in a far more direct manner than mechanics can at times.

Through experimentation, a simple solution was achieved in the manner of single scene shots, with character idle animation in place of full animated cut scenes. 

By adding a new GameObject to the scene and attaching a C# code. Within the code us an update function that runs 'Application.LoadLevel' when 'KeyCode.Space' is inputed. Allowing for the scene to change every time the space bar is pressed.

Friday 26 February 2016

Place holders

While awaiting for final sprite art to be finished, it is a necessity to start a build with temporary sprites. With the game centring around female leads, using one of the previous male sprites seemed inappropriate. To combat this initial problem and double as bases for any future place holders, a set of blank female sprites were created.

While currently working as a placeholder for the main character, Nimbus, they can also be repurposed as templates for later characters or height comparisons. Providing them with a multi use purpose that will not only help in the development of this project, but in future endeavours. 

For the purpose of sprite movement, a modified version of Dodge's code (From a previous game, was implemented, with a more controlled jumping height to accommodate for the difference in environment. 

The limited art in regards to the temporary sprites, is less of an issue at this stage, as they are only providing a stand in for how the character will move through the environment. At this current stage, similar assets are being created for interactive sections of the environment, such as tree branches and rocks. Once these have been created, implemented and tested, stand in enemies will be created (most likely taking a cue from previously created enemies) to test the main characters collision detection and scene reloading.